March was a relatively busy month for 2NE1 with several performances to tide us over until they actually make their comeback. Not only performances, but Dara has been busy in Twitter this month with her quirky and sometimes surprising updates! But we’ll get into SNS a bit later on.

Okay, first thing’s first, I bet that this month of March is unforgettable for all the Lucky 7s and YGE fans everywhere – because this month marked the enlistment of Choi Dong Wook, aka Se7en. He is the first YGE idol that enlisted to the army, so as expected, a lot were sad to see him go, not the least his fellow artists.



We learned though that while YGE artists did not show up publicly on the 19th at the Uijeongbu 306 Reserve to allow Se7en have his own time to say goodbye to fans, Dara couldn’t bear to let her good friend enlist without showing her support. Se7en himself said that Dara and fellow solo artist, Gummy, had gone and shared a meal (lunch) with him before he had to go on-site for his enlistment, then tagged along (but stayed in the van) to see him off. A few hours before, Dara tweeted “#CUAgainSe7en the hashtag that fans were tweeting on that day. It was unclear, but some reports say that Dara had given him lip balm and lotion too for his use in his stay there. Practical gifts, but thoughtful too.

Se7en-oppa, YG family, YGE fans, and most especially, Lucky 7s, will be waiting for your return. Please do well and live healthily! Oppa, FIGHTING! ^^

On to performances! The first performance that 2NE1 did this month was for the Severance Love Sharing Concert! It was a benefit concert, with all proceeds going to charity. I remember this well because Dara was super cute and pretty with her cute braids and “color point” red beanie! ^^


2NE1 and Se7en performed in the concert, with Sean making an appearance as he talked to the audience about the charity event. The girls performed “I Am The Best,” “Fire,” “Lonely,” and “I Love You” rocking mostly black outfits.



The girls’ next performance was outside of Korea. They went to Bangkok, Thailand for the Korean Music Wave 2013 on March 16th, where they performed “I Am The Best,” “Fire,” and “I Love You.” The girls went full on hip-hop for the event, rocking KTZ outfits. Dara accessorized with some Ambush items as well. Her fat braids were cute and quirky at the same time.



The girls spent some time relaxing as well. CL and Dara ate dinner at the Dome Sirocco with some of the female YGE staff . They enjoyed some time at the Health Land spa and took time to shop at Ja Maroe inside the airport  before leaving for their flight. Dara uploaded a series of “tourist” certification shots as well.

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A week later, the girls once again bundled themselves into a plane and headed off for Malaysia for the Twin Towers Alive 2013 event. Dara had a black, mesh, leather top by Love Leather and her KTZ pants and cap. Instead of fat braids, she had one thin braid on the right side with the rest of her hair down.


The girls performed “Lonely,” “I Love You,” “Can’t Nobody,” “Fire,” and “Ugly,” while donning KTZ items that were similar to their outfits in Thailand.


Their last performance happened on the very last day of this month. G-Dragon had started his solo concert tour, “One Of A Kind” with a two-day concert in Seoul. Due to intense preparations and cold weather, he got sick and had to call in “emergency” guests so he could rest while another performed in the second day of his concert. And here steps up labelmate 2NE1, along with Tablo and Lee Hi!


According to the news, GD had made an SOS call to his labelmates and friends to help out, via leader CL, who performed in the first day of the concert with him. The girls all looked awesome in their Jeremy Scott outfits! They performed “I Am The Best,” and “I Love You.” According to official YGE news:

“Dara, who was scheduled to leave for Thailand in the morning of March 31, postponed the trip to perform at her great friend’s concert. G-Dragon and Dara are known for their close friendship.”

I know that it says “Thailand” in the official news, but we know (because of sources and because of Dara’s tweets herself) that she was set to go to the Philippines on that day. ^_^ No problem though! Dara looked gorgeousssss in her dress that night! Love how the dress emphasized her petite yet sexy body. ^^ Gotta love the quirky hairstyle that came with it though, keke!


Of course, we know how YG Family are so close to each other. They try to support each other as much as they can and as often as they can.

All the girls of 2NE1, along with the Big Bang boys, and solo artists, Gummy and Lee Hi,  showed support for Se7en’s Talk Concert called “Thank U.” This was Se7en‘s last concert before enlisting to the army.


Park sisters acted as MCs for the event too! ^^  They promised Se7en that 2NE1 will surely go and visit him while he is in the army after he said that 2NE1 is his favorite girl group.


One of the things that make Dara such an effective endorser is that she makes sure that she uses the products that she endorses. It’s been three months since she was revealed to be the new endorser for Clio (two months since it was officially confirmed) and I was wondering when she’d go to a Clio store, since she definitely spent time going to the stores of her previous endorsement. And viola! She did!  She tweeted that she went to Clio Shop’s Myeongdong store!


Lucky, lucky, lucky fans were able to catch her when she went there! Some Japanese fans were able to spot Dara as she went to Clio! They said that she picked up and looked at a lot of products and bought a lot too. She even took time to take a picture with the staff and sign the placard. ^^



Alright, I know that this isn’t an event by and for itself, but Dara makes going to the airport look so good that I sometimes wish they had to travel just so I can see her airport fashion! Does that make me weird? XD But time and again, press, fans, and netizens have commented about how Dara’s airport fashion turns heads, and this month is no different!

Dara‘s focal point is adding a splash of color on an otherwise black-and-white outfit. Here she adds a jaunty red jacket by Chrome Hearts and cheetah-print flats by Celine . Taken during their travel to Bangkok for KMW 2013.


When they arrived, she took off her jacket, as it was not necessary because of Thailand‘s weather/temperature difference from Korea at that time. Instead, she adds her perky red beanie to the mix.


Dara went all relaxed hip-hop the time they went to Korea from Thailand. She paired acid-washed jean cut-off jacket with a white sweater and baggy, black Adidas sweatpants. For her “color point” she added an orange beanie into the mix. Relaxed, yet cute and swag at the same time.


I was surprised when I saw the photos of their airport departure on the 23rd for the Twin Towers event in Malaysia. No visible color splash! Then I noticed that Dara had dyed a small portion of her hair on the left side! PURPLE! OMG Dara, you sly goddess you! Aside from the splash of violet on her hair and matching violet nails, Dara stuck to her black-and-white ensemble, pairing a white jeans with a black shirt, black flats, and black-and-white striped Balmain jacket.



Dara went for comfort and warmth on their way back to Korea from Malaysia. She had her hair in her laid-back apple hairstyle, and matched a simple, grey, CH sweatshirt with skinny jeans, and her black flats. Her splash of color came from her red CH bag.


 And as proven time and again, our goddess is the news maker. Her Twitter updates and enviable beauty have the media constantly churning articles about her. Whether it be changing her ideal type to the truly adorable Sung Joon of show, “Dad! Where are we going?” to  netizens questioning if she was coordinating outfits with another idol, to congratulating Se7en‘s 10th anniversary, to getting confused over a love confession (which wasn’t towards her LOLOLOL), to her thoughtful way of celebrating a team member and friend’s birthday, to the numerous “beauty” articles, our Dara proves that she has the press reeling and tuning in to her every move.

2NE1’s New Evolution in Japan DVD was also released this month, an event that Dara didn’t fail to remind all Blackjacks of when she took to her Twitter about it. Check out the making video HERE and HD scans of the photobook HERE!


And lastly, FINALLY, 2NE1 and Black Eyed Peas’ Will.I.Am‘s collaboration song for Intel’s Ultrabook Project has been released! After a year of teasing, it’s finally out!



This month of SNS is truly a whirlwind! There are times that Dara stays quiet and we miss her, but when she does update, it’s usually BOOM BOOM BOOM and we get happy! Kekeke! First thing’s first, Dara passed the 600,000 followers mark and is well on her way to 700,000, getting more than 100,000 followers since she last celebrated her 500,000 followers mark in January. Congratulations krungy! ^^


I think that one of the best things that happened this month on Twitter is the fact that Dara actually followed artists outside of YG Family! Woot, woot! First off, she followed SHINee’s Onew (@skehehdanfdldi), then ZE:A’s Siwan (@Siwan_ZEA), and then in a burst of following spree, she also followed Super Junior’s Donghae (@donghae861015), AZIATIX’s Flowsik (@flowsik), and JYJ’s Jaejoong (@bornfreeonekiss). That is aside from the number of Filipino celebrities that she had followed as well. Check out Dara’s follows HERE .

Dara has also tweeted Onew and vice versa after Lee Hyosup (Etude’s marketing specialist) introduced them. But she was the one who posted a picture of her and ZE:A’s Siwan after watching “Joseph Amazing,” and taking a certification backstage photo with him. He then tweeted her and they followed each other. ^^


“Dara-sunbae~ It was really fun to watch you in your special appearance yesterday at the musical too ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Yesterday was really fun thanks to you ㅎ”

Of course, Dara doesn’t forget to tweet about her brother, Thunder. She went all out in supporting MBLAQ’s concert in the Philippines (which was sadly cancelled) and shared a cute selca of them together while in Bangkok for KMW.


Speaking of KMW, Dara had quite a cute incident which she shared on Twitter. Apparently, A+ in Thailand passed her a note saying that they loved…. her brother. Kekekekekeke! ^_^ It was cute how she got confused and flustered for a bit there. ^^

BFiftqdCIAARDLI But I think that one of the sweetest things that happened this month was between Dara and Bom during the latter’s birthday! It was the first time that Bom had spent her birthday outside of the country. Dara, who wanted to let her Park sister have a taste of home, made sure that the birthday girl had some seaweed soup, as befits Korean tradition.


To which Bom responded with a speechless affirmation:

“Probably she carried it all the way from Korea for me ㅠㅠ…How to express …. this kind of feeling?!”

As a fanbase, I think that aside from meeting your idol face-to-face, the most touching would be her acknowledging your hard work and effort by affirming a project. “Forever with Dara,” Dara’s enthusiastic and energetic Malaysian fanbase, got that kind of affirmation when she tweeted a picture of their truly pretty cupcakes! There is also a very sweet fanaccount about how Dara gave the fans waiting for 2NE1 in the lobby of her hotel, a thoughtful note of thanks and how she responded to all the fans’ tweets so that all the gifts that the fans carried were passed to her.


And lastly, Dara once again re-affirms that she is the world’s sweetest celebrity when she took time out from her busy schedule and went to see Filipino celebrity Vhong Navarro, and Korean (who is a celebrity in the Philippines, much like how Dara was a few years back) Ryan Bang, who were there in Korea on a vacation.

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No pretenses, no “higher than thou” attitude from our sweet goddess who made sure to meet them and have lunch with them and their friends an family. Isn’t she just awesome? T_T

This month, Dara showed a very large and obvious interest on nail art! She usually is very down-key on her nail art, but every since Thunder‘s new drama “Nail Art Paris,” and its nearing premier, she has been showing off her nail art in support! ^^


She gets her nails done by Art Lab nail, who has shown their deep appreciation to Dara for her tweets and unerring free promotion, kekeke! ^^


To wrap things up, we would like to thank all the fanbases and everybody who made the first project with San Union a success!

Congratulations to San Union’s first project this year! ^^ It is a common practice for fan clubs to show their support to their artists by having “support projects” for that artist’s endorsement, drama, etc. So this is San Union‘s way of showing our support for Dara and Clio! ^^ San Union is composed of OhMyGoddess, Oh Dara, WeLoveDara, SGBJCrew, TheDearestDARA, and SandaraBarChina. Of course, the union is open to all the Dara fansites who wish to collaborate with us in the future ^^


Dara herself thanked all the members of San Union! It was really a heartwarming move on her part, and I love how she shows her appreciation and how she makes a difference even through one tweet. ^^


What’s more awesome is that a Clio staff, Jaehoon Jung (@jaehoondaz), had confirmed that the packages were sent and received by the Clio staff! 



Thank you to the fan club of our celebrity model who gave a gift to the agency. It contained a tumbler, mouse pad, and other stuff packaged really nicely. Another episode where we had an idol singer as model. Thank you so much. I really like Sandara Park a lot too.

Various accounts have stated that the staff enjoyed filming with Dara as she was polite and accommodating. ^^ Did you guys noticed that he has Dara‘s signature on a piece of paper, pinned on his cork board? ^^ Cute, right? Keke! ^^

Here’s to a more fruitful and successful year for Clio and Dara, and also for San Union! ^^ FIGHTING~! ^.^


Whew! Well, wasn’t that a whirlwind eh? ^^ I find that it’s much harder to condense things when a lot happened, but it was fun reminiscing as well. I hope that you guys enjoy reading! ^^

What is your favorite Dara moment in March 2013? ^^ Share it with us in the comments section below~! ^^



Written and compiled by: BlackjackBelle@OhDara/ SlaveTranslator@WeLoveDara

Comments on: "OhDara Special: Monthly Round-Up – Starting the Heat Of Summer with Dara in March" (50)

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  26. Thanks for finally writing about >OhDara Special:
    Monthly Round-Up – Starting the Heat Of Summer
    with Dara in March | <Loved it!

  27. Dara is such a great person.. i really like her for being a down to earth person .. the way she show her care to se7ven .. it was so heart warming 🙂 and though she was so busy this month she take time to spend it with her kababayan @VhongNavarro .. :))

  28. Ow sweet DARA was so busy this past month, but still tried to meet her kababayan @VhongNavarro @Vhongx44 in S.Korea. She still that kind of DARA that I know, when she was still at the Star Circle Quest the cute, krung krung, and humble DARA. She’s still down to earth and I’m happy for her that she is now on that state that none can take her down. So grateful to be one of your kababayan @krungy21 Fighting! and I wish a good health for you. Saranghae DARA!

  29. BlaisePKozier said:

    Please take time to analyze comments before replying. I’ve noticed a pattern these past months of individuals who instigate discord, conflict, or doubt with their comments. This is a form of black propaganda. Report to the Admins their usernames immediately.


  31. BJ4life said:

    i bet Dara unnie is worried for Se7en oppa bcoz of what happening between NK and SK! hope the April round up will include their comeback!!! 2ne1 fighting!! Dara unnie fighting!!!

  32. Oh my. How do you miss a person without knowing them personally? I don’t know Dara personally and I’ve only seen her perform once but I kind of miss her. I want to see her soon!

    • Yeah… me too… just a simple twit from her makes my day more complete. I’m worried because after Gd’s concert, she suddenly disappeared. I hope our Dara is doing ok. We miss and love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. miss her =(

    • her with se7en on his enlistment to the army and her going out with filipino artists — showed how down-to-earth kind of person she is.. such a simple girl when need be eventhough she’s so famous… not a hint of “diva-ish” in her when it comes to being with friends…

  34. I love your colorful nails, I miss you.

  35. AlohaDara said:

    You did a great job recapping Dara’s March activities. My favorite piece is on her going to see Se7ven off to the military. Dara may seem like the obedient,go with the flow type of gal. But when it is important to her, she will do what her heart dictates. Her friendship with S7ven is precious and she went to support him even though YG did not advise this. I love Dara for so many things but loyalty stands out when it comes to friendship. Wouldn’t you want a friend like this?

  36. dara_syr said:

    oh my god.I didnt notice or see dara’s signature on the wall from clio staff. your eyes @@.
    our Dee is goddess outside and inside <3…
    the happiest time was when they went to Thailand and Malaysia. during those time, we had too many pics and tweets from dara and others.
    Thank you for this

  37. Haha i love every happenings this month, esp. of w/c involves se7en! HUHU I’ll surely miss him. But… her following spree, lol that just made me go gaga. Hahahaha haven’t you guys noticed? She started her following spree right after Se7en left for the army! Haha Dara-unnie… is this because Se7en won’t be able to help you anymore & now you’re doing it yourself instead? >.< Hehehe

  38. fangirl-ahjumma said:

    january written instead of march on bottom note?:)

    i super like this monthly round ups… i wonder how you guys will write roundups/summary when 2ne1 is back (hopefully this year!) hehehe! but fighting!!!

    i hope by the end of the year youll compile these roundups and maybe have a mini magazine(?) available to dara fans.^^ good job blackjackbelle as always! good job OD!^^

  39. i really love monthly round-ups!!! thank you admins… let’s support dara til’ infinity.. kkk.. love you admis… thank you again.. *chu* ^________________^

  40. Admin I would like to ask that Dara is not going to the Philippines but Thailand? .. I thought she is going to the Philippines last March 30.. I am bit confused? .. Sorry…l

    • She suppose to go to philippine… Not thailand, maybe admin made a some mistake 🙂

    • I think it was YG united / life, i forgot, that mentioned Dara was supposed to leave for Thailand, when we all know that she really was supposed to go to the Philippines.

    • BlackjackBelle said:

      Hi! I used the original used as seen on YG LIfe blog. I know that she went to the Philippines though. T_T I’ll put down a note. Thanks~! ^^

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