Posts tagged ‘TAOYUAN AIRPORT’

Photos: Fantaken pictures of 2NE1 @ Taoyuan Airport

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Credit: As Tagged


Video: 042514 Fancam of 2NE1 @ Taoyuan Airport

It seems many fans were there to welcome our girls ♡

Credit: Smallthousand311 @ YT

[PHOTOS] 042514 Fantaken pictures of Dara @ Taoyuan International Airport, Taiwan

She looks so radiant and fresh! I love her outfit too ♥~(‘▽^人)

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Credit: As Tagged

Fancams: 121117 2NE1 at Taiwan Taoyuan Airport Heading Back to Korea

Here are fancams of the girls at the airport! ^^

More fancams after the cut!


HD Photos: 121117 Stunning Dara at Taiwan Taoyuan Airport Heading Back to Korea

OMG!!! Our beautiful Goddess Dara!!! Her skin is glowing! Love love love her smile! <333 Here she is at the airport, even taking time to sign for the fans. LOVE HER!!! <333
